Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sunday Night Musings: Oops! Where'd I go?

So I've been posting more "Gee, I haven't done anything lately" posts than I'd like. This--appropriately--is another one. I've been struck by the boardgame bug, and I've been buying games left and right (you can see my profile on Board Game Geek here). I think the appeal is in the diversity and ease of playing. Warhammer, on the other hand, requires countless hours of preparation before games can even be played. Right now, I have one army almost completely painted, and it happens to be an army that will not be legal by the end of the year. Additionally, it is a "trick" army, so if my pony doesn't happen to show up for the game, I have no chance of winning. I'd love to get my Dark Elf or Daemon army on the table, but they are both just little pieces of plastic and metal right now. I could sit down and scrape mould lines for a couple hours, or I could play a game of La Citta. I could glue a unit of Bloodletters together, or I could play a couple games of The Downfall of Pompeii. See what I'm getting at?
  • One of the main roadblocks in the progression of my Daemon army is the bases. I know that I want to use round bases so that I can play both Fantasy and 40k with them. But I'm not certain as to how I'm going to go about making the trays to modify the round bases to a square base Fantasy game. I could drop a lot of cash and have them specially made, but I did that already for my Eldar army, and I really regret the purchase--mostly because I can't ever decide on whether or not I really want to play Eldar. Also, the resin bases don't have an area for easy magnet-attaching.
  • Now that I'm thinking about it, I might just try and make my own movement trays. As long as the bottom of the tray has metal on it, I could just have the bases be raised instead of sunk-in like I was initially visualizing in my head.
  • I finished painting my 2nd Eshin Sorcerer. I think it looks pretty cool, and it definitely fits in with the rest of the rats. Now only two Assassins remain until the army is complete. Well, if I'm going to rebase them, then there's that still to do, but...
  • What happens when you combine an ebay-purchased Skaven Assassin, a Warhammer Quest Wardancer, two Dark Elf Charioteers, a Avatars of War Dark Elf Lord, and a bottle of acetone? You get glue-globs removed from the Lord, and paint removed from everything else. You also get one vanashing base--I'm assuming it was completely melted by the acetone.
  • The new White Dwarf with all the Empire models makes me want to start an Empire army. Hahahhahaha! That's exactly what I need right now: another army! Ugh... GW sure does have us by the man-parts, don't they?
I'm sure that my binge-buying and playing of boardgames will slow down a bit in the future, thus allowing me to put the focus back on Warhammer. For now, however, I'm just going to have to try and find a little time here and there to put some work into the hobby--especially if I plan on reaching my goals for the year.


Admiral Drax said...

Tried Catan?

Matty said...

Hey, an idea for your bases problem - wanting to use daemons in both fantasy and 4k - is to use the reasonably new Lord of the rings movement trays, they're prety cheap from GW. They dont rank your models up too precisely, as they have around a 1mm gap between the slots but it's so small that it hardly makes a difference, this way you can use round bases, and still use them in Warhammer fantasy.