Tuesday, September 08, 2009

TOEMP Challenge 3.4: Herald of Nurgle finally completed!

Despite it being a late entry, I have completed my Herald of Nurgle. Sadly, I have not constructed a unique profile for him, as he's just going to be a Herald on Palanquin with the Staff of Nurgle in my 2250 point OFCC list.


I'm really, really proud of how he turned out. It was the most greenstuff I have ever used on a model, and I think that it looks pretty decent. There are enough tentacles on the base to adequately represent a Palanquin (hopefully).

Before last night I really hated the teeth, because they were just several white streaks on top of the base color. I decided to put some extra effort into them today before calling the model finished, and I think it turned out well.

Now on to Challenge #4!


Mordian7th said...

That looks fantastic! Nicely done, man - I really like the way the model has a sense of motion, that was some great sculpt-work and the great paint job really makes it shine.

I'd suggest giving the rim of the base a more solid coat of color, other than that the model looks sweet.

Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing what you come up with for #4!

Shrink to Fit said...

Yeah, the base is definitely not finished. I still don't know what exactly I'm going to do for bases with this army. I figure that I can focus on painting the minis now, and then deal with the bases later.

But it is interesting how much an unfinished base detracts from the overall appeal of the model.

Shrink to Fit said...

Thanks for the nice words, Mordian!

73rd said...

Wow awesome work mate! I agree with Mordian, the model looks so dynamic that it gives you the feel of being about to slap you across the face!

Paul Wu said...

Just catching up on all of the stuff the TOEMP gang's been up to...and, wow! Excellent Herald model! The greenstuff really added depth and dynamism to the miniature, and the paintjob is, as always, disgustingly Nurgly :P